In college I had to make a list of my career goals for a class assignment. Never one to hold back, I listed big dreams that I’d had since I was five years old. Among others, the list included:
• Have my own TV show.
• Be represented by major Hollywood entertainment agencies.
• Travel the world as a performer.
And on and on and on.
I filled over two pages with goals I’d had for years. I took the assignment seriously, thinking that it was my chance to get honest feedback from a professor whose job was to encourage and inspire students.
I was wrong.
My teacher scanned the pages, reading my goals silently as I waited for approval and assistance. Then, they laughed out loud.
They laughed at me.
I was embarrassed. I had taken the time to be personal and share my actual goals. My honesty was met with ridicule.
When you pursue a career in the arts, hecklers abound. Everyone wants to tell you how wrong you are and how hard it’s going to be. Everyone wants to tell you how it’s supposed to be done and what they’d do if they were you. Everyone has an opinion.
The funny thing is, the people with opinions aren’t out there doing it. They aren’t making calls and knocking on doors. They aren’t failing onstage night after night so they can take tiny steps closer to a dream.
They just want to tell you what you’re doing wrong.
I’ve had hecklers my whole life. Family, friends, teachers, clients - you name it. Hecklers are everywhere.
It takes a special kind of person to deal with a heckler. You need a thick skin and self-confidence. You have to believe in your goals and be willing to ignore anyone who says they aren’t realistic.
I’ve never been one to succumb to negativity. When my basketball coach yelled at me for “not hustling” I would get angry that my effort had not been recognized. So I’d blow everyone away on the next sprint drill just to make a point. If he kept trying to wear me out, I’d run faster. I’d run faster and faster until I could see the frustrated look on his face. Finally, he would give up and let us get back to practice. You can only stay mad at someone who is out in front for so long.
My biggest motivators are hecklers. The trolls, the haters, the skeptics, the doubters - they’re all yelling at me and I’ve got my toes on the line waiting for the whistle to blow. The more they dismiss me, the harder I work.
They can laugh all they want. Meanwhile, I’ll be here checking off that list of goals.